C#.NET Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Studio C#.Net – “Cannot convert method group ‘ToString’ to non-delegate type ‘string’. Did you intend to invoke the method?”

Cannot convert method group ‘ToString’ to non-delegate type ‘string’. Did you intend to invoke the method?

in Italian:

Impossibile convertire il gruppo di metodi ‘ToString’ nel tipo non delegato ‘string’. Si desiderava richiamare il metodo?

You miss the parentheses: ToString()

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7.0 7.5 C#.NET HOW TO Microsoft SDK 7.1 Visual Studio Windows Phone

HOW TO change the StartPage in Windows Phone 7 Application in Visual Studio 2010 [C#.NET]

Expand theĀ Properties folder into Solution Explorer of the VisualĀ C# Windows Phone Application Project and Open the WMAppManifest.xml file.
Change the NavigationPage with you new StartPage filename (case sensitive).

  <DefaultTask Name ="_default" NavigationPage="MainPage.xaml"/>

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