7.0 7.5 HOW TO Microsoft SDK 7.1 VB.NET Visual Studio Windows Phone

HOW TO change the StartPage of the Windows Phone 7 Application in Visual Studio 2010 [VB.NET]

Expand the My Project folder into Solution Explorer of the Visual Basic Windows Phone Application Project and Open the WMAppManifest.xml file.
Change the NavigationPage with you new StartPage filename (case sensitive).

[sourcecode language=”xml”]
<DefaultTask Name ="_default" NavigationPage="MainPage.xaml"/>

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HOW TO Microsoft Windows 7 Windows Vista

HOW TO Activate or Disable user account Administrator

Start Command Prompt Window (Start -> Run -> cmd) and execute the following command:

net user Administrator /Active:yes

to activate the user account Administrator

net user Administrator /Active:no

to disable the user account Administrator

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