Dynamics NAV Microsoft

TableData does not exist


Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment

TableData 404 does not exist.


TableData 404 does not exist

TableData does not exist

You are trying to import from a fob file an existing table in which was changed the value of the property DataPerCompany.


  1. delete the Table with number as from the error message (in my case it was 404)
  2. import the object

Related Post: TableData 2000000001 does not exist.

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Dynamics NAV Microsoft Tips & Tricks

Method not found

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Method ‘Page43.a60Action123a62_a45_OnAction’ not found.

Method not found

Method not found


  1. open in Design the Page as from the error message (in my case it was Page 43)
  2. press Ctrl+Alt+F4 or go in View -> Page Actions
  3. delete the value from the column “Name” (in my case it was Release)
  4. exit and save the object

Tips & Tricks: To find what is the action the error message is referring, in the message, after the word “Action” there is the value of the ID property (in my case it was 123)

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