7.0 7.5 7.8 8.0 HOW TO Microsoft Windows Phone

HOW TO install certificates file .cer on Microsoft Windows Phone-based devices

Be sure that you have exported the certificate as DER-coded-binary X.509 (.cer).
Send the Certificate file “.cer” via e-mail to an account configured on your Microsoft Windows Phone device.
Sync the Mail Box and tap on the attachment file to install the certificate.
Reboot your device.

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7.0 7.5 C#.NET HOW TO Microsoft VB.NET Visual Studio Windows Mobile Windows Phone

HOW TO make VB to C# or C# to VB conversion code

With this HOW TO I would like to put together tips to make the code conversion VB to C# or C# to VB.

Asc Convert.ToInt32();
Chr Convert.ToChar();
Len String.Length();
Mid String.Substring();
ChrW(65) System.Convert.ToChar(65).ToString();

This post will be updated continuously by inserting each time new information.

Any suggestion is welcome.

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